Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chemjobber C&EN Index: 2/1/09

Industrial positions (non-academic, non-governmental):
Total number of ads: 1
- Postdocs: 0
- Permanent positions: 1

- Ratio of US/non-US: 1/0
Area: 15
Week to week Index trend: Down.

Governmental positions (US, international):
Total number of ads: 1

- Postdocs: 0
- Permanent positions: 1

- Ratio of US/non-US: 1/0
Area: 18
Week to week Index trend: Up, slightly.

Academic positions:

Total number of ads: 8
- Postdocs: 3
- Tenure-track faculty: 7

- Temporary faculty: 1(?)
- Lecturer positions: 0
- Staff positions: 1
- Ratio of US/non-US positions: 8/4

- Area (square cm): 302
Week to week Index trend: Down.

One (still) is the loneliest number: Other than a "director of regulatory affairs" position (and what bench chemist wouldn't want to be one of those?!?), there's nothing here. 

Faculty, too: The faculty positions have really petered out. Well, there's gotta be a slow season sometime.

Small college of the week:  Florida A&M University (Tallahassee, FL, student population: 11,800, SA-LUTE!) is looking for a computation medicinal chemistry postdoc.  "Preference will be given to candidates with an earned Ph.D. in Computational/Medicinal Chemistry with experience in molecular modeling, particularly the area of comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA)." Well, there you are. Sounds like fun, and you get to watch a great marching band. 

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looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20